Warmest Greetings!

Venerable Theros & Friends,

Warmest Greetings!

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the Maha Sanga, sponsors, donors, supporters, volunteers, and everyone who contributed in many ways to make this  a successful  Kathina .
Thank you very much for all of you who supported the Kathina Ceremony on October 22nd, 2016. The Ceremony was a valuable opportunity to get us together to celebrate the Vassana, gain enormous merit, and practice giving. Once again, thanks for your kindness & genuine cooperation to make this event a success.

GBV Youth Group:
We really appreciate all our sons and daughters of the GBV youth group. You did a great job and well done !!! We appreciate the  parents  who encouraged their children. 

We heard nothing but positive feedback and  ample appreciations.  Whole credits and Kathina merits goes out to all of you, who truly took  ownership of temple activities. However, please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience (if any) you may have experienced in respect to the Kathina 2016 ceremony. Personally, we weren’t trying to be disrespectful  you or your family what so ever, our common objective was to share the ownership of the temple activities.  Our temple should be handed over to our next generation with Buddhist and  Sri Lankan cultural values.

Kind Request:

Please be kind to provide monthly dana to Maha Sanga. Next month onwards, we have 6 more gaps to fill. I am sure we should be able to find 6 or more families to fill these gaps. We certainly understand the commitment,  however, its our utmost responsibility to feed and take care of our monks. There is a choice to pick a date  by a group (more than one family) and share it every month. If you interested, please be kind enough to reply to this email. We will add your name to the dana calendar.

Finally, May the blessing of the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha be with you always. May you all have good health, peace, and happiness. 

With metta,

Weerasekara family

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