Health Savings account Fund

Health Saving Account Fund

In this HSA account plan, each resident monks have their own HSA account. Your contribution towards these accounts are tax-deductible and roll over to following years if that is not used. For these HSA account money is a great help for monks to have good health coverage. It can be used to obtain a high deductible insurance plan with a low monthly payment and, can be used to cover Copay and for prescriptions.

For each year HSA account could carry max $3350 per monk and our goal is to raise $6700 for both of the monks for the year.

Please make check or cash payable to Georgia Buddhist Vihara (or just write GBV) and mentions the donation is for HSA account contribution. Your donation is equally divided between the monks.  Remember that every donation makes a difference, regardless of the amount. Click here to make a difference. Thank you in advance for your support. 

Vap Poya

Schedule for Two-day Vassana Retreat

At Georgia Buddhist Vihara 3153 Miller Road, Lithonia, GA 30038

 October 6th  & October 7th, 2018  

from 8:00am - 5:00pm 

Led by Bhante Suthadara from Ventura Buddhist Society 

Dear Participants,
Please take your breakfast prior to arrival at the Vihara. Monks will have their breakfast early due to for the time-consuming matter. Recommended arrival time is 7:30 am.

Saturday  program will be conducted in Sinhalese;
October  6th  Saturday


8:00   = Observance of Precepts and guided meditation
9:00   = Short Break
9:15   = Guided walking meditation
10:00 = Sitting meditation
11:00 = Buddha puja.
11:15 = Lunch & break
12:30 = Dhamma discussion among the practitioners


1:30   =  Presentation of what discussed and Mindful chanting
2:00   = Dhamma talk
3:00   = Tea break
3:30   = Original Sutta study/Dhamma discussion
4:30   = Sitting meditation/Guided meditation for Metta
5:00   = Sharing merit with all beings and end.


Sunday  program will be conducted in English;

October 7th Sunday 


8:00   = Observance of Precepts and guided meditation
9:00   = Short Break
9:15   = Guided walking meditation
10:00 = Sitting meditation
11:00 = Buddha puja and lunch  


12:30 = Dhamma discussion among the participants
1:30   = Presentation of what discussed among the groups
2:00-4:00 = for the children and adults
5:00   = Sharing merit with all beings and end.

Atavisi Buddha Vandana

This Rains Retreat season, Atavisi Buddha Puja is live-streamed on YouTube on every evening. Devotees can continue to follow this event at home with family. 

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