Monthly Meditation Retreat

On behalf of the Georgia Buddhist Vihara to invite you to the next day-long  vipassana (mindfulness) meditation retreat on Saturday, May 19 from 7:30am to 5pm. This one-day meditation retreat will be held at the Georgia Buddhist Vihara (3153 Miller Road, Lithonia, GA 30038). This one-day retreat is a great way to strengthen and enrich your spiritual practice, explore meditation practices from the Theravada Buddhist tradition, and explore firsthand the benefits of mindfulness meditation. 

This retreat is open to everyone - those who are new to meditation as well as those who are experienced meditators. All meditation instructions and discussions during this retreat will be conducted in English. 

The following is a tentative schedule of the day's events:

7:00–7:30am - Arrive and prepare the vihara for the day’s activities
7:30–8:00am: Observance of the Eight Precepts and traditional Buddhist chanting
8:00–9:00am: Breakfast (as a group) and clean-up
9:00–10:00am: Guided vipassana ("mindfulness") meditation 
10:00–10:30am: Break (coffee/tea)
10:30–11:30am: Metta ("Loving-Friendliness") meditation 
11:30am–12:00pm: Preparing lunch & traditional Buddhist chanting
12:00–12:45pm:  Lunch (as a group) and clean-up

12:45–1:30pm: Walking meditation
1:30–2:30pm: Vipassana meditation
2:30–3:00pm: Break (coffee/tea) 
3:00–4:30pm: Sutta Discussion led by Ven. Wajirabuddhi Thera. 
·  The sutta/discourse that will be discussed is the What is the purpose? (1. Kimatthiyasutta) found in the Anguttara  Nikaya, discourse # 10-1. You can access the sutta onlineClick here-. Please print and bring a copy of the sutta to the Dhamma discussion.
4:30–5:00pm:  Conclusion - Termination of the Eight Precepts by observing the Five Precepts  


Participants are asked to contribute (i) a light breakfast food (e.g., fruits, bagels, etc.) and (ii) a lunch dish (preferably vegetarian) to share with the resident monks and the retreat participants. It is common practice to bring flowers, candles, or incense to place on the shrine as an offering – you may do so if you wish. It is also customary in the Theravadan tradition for those observing the eight precepts to wear white clothing to signify purification of morality, though this is not a requirement for attendance.

During this special time, please consider making a monetary donation to the vihara as a way of helping to support the resident monks who make the teachings available and to keep the vihara open so that all people are able to practice and learn the Dhamma.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, July 29. I request that you RSVP (by email) in order to let us know that you will be joining us so we can adequately prepare for those who will be participating in the retreat. To confirm that you are planning on attending the retreat or if you have questions about this program or other programs offered by the Georgia Buddhist Vihara, please feel free to contact me by email at 

I hope that you will be able to join us for this auspicious day. If you are unable to make this retreat, please know that we will be having regular, day-long vipassana retreats throughout the year.  Additionally, I would encourage you to join the community for meditation instruction and Dhamma discussion on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:30 pm.  

May you, your friends, and family members be well, happy, and peaceful. 

With Metta,

Justin Howell
Cell phone: 404.375.0264

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you were to live forever."  -M. Gandhi

"You can't lead the people if you don't LOVE the people. You can't save the people if you won't SERVE the people."  - Cornel West

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