Monthly Retreat

I hope this message finds each of you doing well. I am writing on behalf of the Georgia Buddhist Vihara to invite you to the next vipassana (mindfulness) meditation retreat on Saturday, March 28, 2014 from 7:30am to 5pm. This one-day, monthly meditation retreat will be held on-site at the Georgia Buddhist Vihara (3153 Miller Road, Lithonia, GA 30038). For this retreat, all meditation instructions and discussions will be conducted in English. This retreat is open to everyone - those who are new to meditation as well as those who are experienced meditators.

Below is a tentative schedule of the day's events:


7:007:30am - Arrive at the vihara and prepare the space for breakfast
7:30–8:00am: Observance of Refuge and the Eight Precepts and traditional Buddhist chanting

8:00–8:45am: Breakfast (as a group) and clean-up

8:45–10:00am: Guided vipassana ("mindfulness") meditation 
10:00–10:30am: Break (coffee/tea)

10:30–11:30am: Metta ("Loving-Friendliness") meditation 

11:30am–12:00pm: Preparing lunch & traditional Buddhist chanting
12:00–12:45pm:  Lunch (as a group) and clean-up


12:45–1:30pm: Walking meditation

1:30–2:30pm: Vipassana meditation

2:30–3:00pm: Break (coffee/tea)

3:00–4:30pm: Sutta Discussion led by Ven. Wajirabuddhi Thera. The topic of the discussion will be the Nivapa Sutta (The Simile of the Deer Feeder Discourse) - Majjhima Nikaya #25. You can access the sutta online here: Please print out a copy of the sutta and bring it to the Dhamma discussion.
4:305:00pm:  Termination of the Retreat: Observance of the Five Precepts and concluding chanting

Participants will need to bring (1) a light breakfast food (e.g., fruits, bagels, etc.) and (2) a lunch dish (preferably vegetarian) to share with the resident monks and the retreat participants as a form of dana (offering).  It is also customary to bring flowers, candles, or incense to place on the shrine as an offering. It is traditional and customary to wear white clothing when participating in a meditation retreat, though this is not a requirement for attendance.

During this special time, please consider making a monetary donation to the vihara as a form of dana (an offering to the monastic community) so that we can continue to support the monks who make the teachings available to us and to keep the vihara open so that all people are able to practice and learn about the Dhamma.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, March 28 at the vihara.  I would ask that you RSVP (by email) in order to let us know that you will be joining us so we can adequately prepare for those who will be participating in the retreat. To confirm that you are planning on attending the retreat or if you have questions about our program, please feel free to contact me by email (

I hope that you will be able to join us for this day of quiet contemplation, meditation, and sutta study. If you are unable to make this retreat, please know that we will be having regular, day-long vipassana retreats once a month throughout the year. Additionally, I would like to encourage you to join us for meditation, sutta study, and Dhamma discussion on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.  
May you, your friends, and family members be well, happy, and peaceful…

Justin Howell
Justin Howell
Cell phone: 404.375.0264

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you were to live forever."  -M. Gandhi

"You can't lead the people if you don't LOVE the people. You can't save the people if you won't SERVE the people."  - Cornel West

GBV Discussion Summery

Wednesday Meditation discussion summery. 4/15/2015

SN I.01 Oghatarana Sutta (Discourse on Crossing the Flood...)

 1. the flood: ogha: metaphorically, the waters of Craving, Wrong View and Ignorance which keep one submerged in the round of existences (samsara).

The Four oghas are:

 (i) Kama ogha: strong attachment to the five sensual pleasures:
 (ii) Bhava ogha: strong attachment to rebirth in the Fine, Material Sphere or the Non-material Sphere or to the attainment of Jhanas leading to these spheres;
 (iii) Ditthi ogha: the 62 wrong views (See Brahmajala Sutta, Silakkhandha Vagga, Digha Nikaya);
 (vi) Avijja ogha: Ignorance of the Truth.

2. If I remain still, I sink; Staying amidst sensual pleasures, and making no efforts to break away from them, one sinks to the tower realms. Or, in another sense, making no effort to get rid of demeritoriousness, one sinks to the depths of the four miserable states.

3. If I put forth strenuous effort, I drift: Striving for purification from defilement based on self-mortification sends one adrift in samsara. Or, in another sense, even if one does meritorious deeds while craving for the higher realms of existence, such efforts merely bring mundane merit and one drifts along in samsara.

4. One in whom asavas are extinct: brahmana: Meaning either a Buddha or an arahat. The brahma, designated as a certain deva in this discourse, had known Kassapa Buddha. Since the passing away of Kassapa Buddha many aeons passed before Gotama Buddha appeared in this world.

Nimokkha Sutta

1.Nimokkha-1-Sotāpanna Magga (pali), Srotāpanna (sanskrit)  "stream-winner"1
                      2-Sakadagam Magga, Path of once returning
                      3-Anagami MaggaPath of non returning
                      4-Arahatta Magga, Path of the worthy one or perfected one

2.Vimokkha- 1-Sotāpanna Phala   fruition of stream entry
                      2-Sakadagamiphala, fruition of once returning
                      3-Anagami phala, fruition of non returning
                      4-Arahatta phala, fruition of the worthy one or perfected one

3.Viveka-Resting, Ultimate happiness (Nibbana)

Samyutta Nikaya
Nimokkha Sutta S.N

1. Person who has eradicated the first three fetters (sanyojanas) of the mind, namely self-view (or identity), clinging to rites and rituals, and skeptical doubt (in Buddhadharma or the teachings of the Buddha). Sota-apanna literally means "one who entered (āpanna) the stream (sota)", after a metaphor which calls the Noble Eightfold Path, 'a stream' which leads to Nibbana or Nirvana (SN 55.5). Stream-entry (Sota-apatti) is the first of the four states of enlightenment. 
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Madin Poya Program

Madin Poya Program will be observed on the Sunday, March 15th, 2015 from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm at the Georgia Buddhist Vihara.  We invite you all to join the program.

Please sign up for the program
Check out who is coming!!!! 

Morning Program
Observance of the eight Precepts, Buddha Puja and Heel Dana
Tea & coffee break
Vipassana Meditation By Ven, Panamwela Wajirabuddhi Thero
Sathipattana Meditation Discussion
Buddha Pooja
Dana offering to the monks and those who observe eight precepts
Afternoon Program
Discussion (base on Abhidhamma) by Dr. Deepta Jayaratne
Tea & coffee break
Sutra Discussion 

Termination of the Sil and Gilanpasa Puja

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