Binara Full Moon Poya Program will be held on Saturday, September 17, 2016 from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm at the Georgia Buddhist Vihara. We invite you all to join the program.
The most historical event that happened on Binara Pura full moon Poya day was the establishment of Bhikkuni Order. On the initiative of the Maha Prajapati Gotami the Buddha allowed the (Upasika) woman to enter the order.
Maha Prajapati Gotami was the sister of Queen Mahamaya, mother of Prince Siddharta Gautama. She is the aunt of the Prince. Following Mahamaya’s passing away, seven days after the birth of Prince Siddhartha, it was Maha Prajapati Gotami who brought up Prince Siddhatta. According to the history of Buddhism, Maha Prajapati Gotami was the first Bhikkuni in Buddha Sasana. She entered the Order with five hundred princesses on a Binara Pura Pasalosvaka Poya Day and thus began the Bhikkuni Order.
Sign up for the program:
7:30 am – 8:30 am : Observance of the eight Precepts, Buddha Puja and Heel Dana.
Binara Full Moon Poya Program will be held on Saturday, September 17, 2016 from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm at the Georgia Buddhist Vihara. We invite you all to join the program.
8:30 am – 9:00 am : Tea & coffee break.
9:00 am – 10:00 am : Vipassana Introduction.
10:00 am - 11:00 am: Sutra Discussion
11:00 am - 11:30 pm : Buddha Puja (MUST Start at 11:00 AM)
11:30 am – 12:00 Noon: Dana offering to the monastics and those who observe eight precepts.
12:00Noon – 1:00pm Luncheon
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm : Discussion (base on Abhidhamma) by Dr. Deeptha Jayaratne
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm : Tea & coffee break.
3:30-4:30 pm: Dhamma Desana by Baminiyanvila Dhammaloka.
5:00 pm: Atavisi Pujava and end of the program.