Sri Lankan New Year 2019

Every year Sri Lanka celebrates the New Year which falls on the 14th  of April. The Sri Lankan New Year is a time where family and friends come together to celebrate and participate in traditional events associated with the beginning of a new year. There are many different events that are carried out at auspicious times during this festive season. Boiling milk over a clay pot signifies the welcoming of the New Year and the prosperity as well. The New Year festivities commence with the traditional lighting of the oil lamp. Gifts such as new clothes and money are exchanged and the entire family gathers around the dining table where traditional food such as Kiribath (milk rice) and other delicacies are shared. Activities such as pin the tail on the elephant, sack race and tug of war are some of the games that are enjoyed by both the young and the old during the New Year celebrations.

On behalf of the Georgia Buddhist Vihara and the Sri Lankan Community in Georgia,
We wish all our friends and well-wishers a very happy Sinhala & Tamil New Year and cordially invite you to the Sri Lankan New Year Celebrations at 10.00 A.M. on Saturday 14th April 2018 at the Georgia Buddhist Vihara, Lithonia GA.

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Time Event
10:00 am Arrival and preparation
11:00 am Buddha Puja11.30 am
11.30 am Dana for the Maha Sangha
12:00 nn Lunch Break
1:00 pm Celebration Assembly Lighting the traditional oil lamp and Pirith Desana
2:00 pm Singiti Avurudu: Performing by Sunday School Children

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