Remembering the Departed of the Easter Sunday Attacks in Sri Lanka at 5:00 pm on Sunday 28th, April 2019 at Georgia Buddhist Vihara
Please join us in extending our deepest sympathy to those individuals who lost loved ones in this past weekend's bomb attacks that targeted multiple locations across Sri Lanka. These attacks targeted innocent worshipers and foreigners. The Georgia Buddhist Vihara will conduct a special religious program on Sunday, April 28 at 5:00 pm. This special ceremony will be held in observance of the seventh day after the attacks, in accordance with Buddhist practice. We welcome the community to join us to share our condolences with those family members and friends who lost loved ones in this devastating attack and transfer merits to these departed friends and loved ones.
Please note that we will conduct interfaith services for the departed, please bring flowers, for further details, you may contact Mr. Kumara 4045128361 and Dr. Ajith 7705459947
5:00 pm - Welcome speech and video presentation
5:15 pm - Interfaith services, Buddhist, Catholic, Jewish, Islam, and Hindu
6:00 pm - Extending condolences by city officials and friends
7:00 pm - candle lights and serving snacks