GBV COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS - November/December 2020


GBV COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS - November/December 2020

Dear Devotees and Friends of the GBV,

Bhante Wajirabodhi, in consultations with other resident Bhantes of the GBV (and with Bhante Wajirabuddhi in Sri Lanka), has requested to inform you of the following procedures and restrictions in view of the rapid increase in COVID19 cases in GA.

The following changes are effective immediately until further notice to limit the personal interactions onsite at the GBV, and they are seeking your full support and cooperation.

1) Please refrain from bringing in daily Dana (Meals) in-person to the GBV

  • In lieu of delivery of home-cooked meals please consider monetary donations sent via check or Zelle transfer (, account holder name: Panamwela Wajirabuddhi), and make sure to mention ‘Daily Dana’ as a reference.
  • Cooked meals sent via delivery services are discouraged in view of the dietary restrictions of the resident Bhantes.
  • You may use a grocery delivery service to deliver groceries including supplies such as water bottles, paper towels/bath tissue, etc, however, please call Bhante Wajirabodhi a week or so ahead to inquire about the current needs.
  • Please refrain from dropping off any dry rations, canned food, fresh produce, etc. without first calling ahead as they could get unnecessarily accumulated and get wasted as had happened last spring.

2) No offering of Dana in person at GBV or at residences.

  • However, please call Bhante Wajirabodhi well ahead if there is a need for arrangements for any special Dana to transfer merits.
  • If requested, arrangements could be made for you to participate in the daily Dana (lunch) Buddha Puja offering online.

3) As was done last few months all regular GBV programs are moved online to avoid visits to GBV.

  • Please look for information sent weekly on the program schedule and links.
  • If for some special reason you have to visit GBV please call Bhante Wajirabodhi ahead for an appointment, and when at the GBV please follow these CDC Guidelines, and if possible please wear a suitable face mask and use hand sanitizer kept at the entrance.  If you are at high risk for illness please consider refraining from visiting.  We also encourage you to check your temperature at home before visiting the GBV. 

We hope that you understand these steps taken at the best HEALTH INTERESTS of the resident Bhantes, and you the Devotees/Friends of the GBV.  If you have any concerns and/or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact the GBV by replying to this message.  

Thank you and hope you all stay safe!
May you all live well, happy, and peaceful!!

Theruwan Saranai!
තෙරුවන් සරණයි!

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