Dhamma Sermon on Saturday September 10th, 8.00PM


Dear Devotees of Georgia Buddhist Vihara and Friends,

We warmly invite you for the Dhamma Deshana on Saturday, September 10th. The Dhamma talk will be given in English by Venerable Muruthamure Pangnaloka thero (a visiting monk).
Please join us in person at the vihara premises or virtually to participate in this meritorious deed.

The program is as follows:
6:30 pm: Tea and Refreshments
7:00 pm: Atavisi Buddha pooja
8:00 pm: Dhamma Dheshana
9:00 pm: Dinner from the hosting families

In order to facilitate the dinner for the attendees, if you plan to attend in person, kindly sign up using the link below.


If you are joining virtually, please use the following zoom link to join.


With Metta,
Lasantha and Wathsala (Hosting family) 

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